Learn Hidden Startegy in Google Search Console

Are you struggling to get your website noticed in search results? Our training reveals 10 hidden tips and tricks that can transform your SEO strategy and turn you into an SEO pro.

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Learn the Secrets to Skyrocket Your Site’s Visibility

Are you tired of seeing your website buried in search results?

Learn how to map search queries with landing pages to boost relevance and visibilit

Are you frustrated with your pages not getting indexed?

Discover how to audit your indexed pages and use the indexing API to ensure all your important content is properly indexed.

Missing out on valuable search queries?

Master the art of finding long-tail keywords and question keywords in Google Search Console to capture more traffic.

Course Curriculum

How to map search queries with landing pages

Align your content with user intent for higher relevance.

How to find long-tail keywords in GSC:

Uncover less competitive keywords that drive more traffic.

How to find question keywords in GSC:

Identify and optimize for questions users are asking.

How to find infrequently crawled pages:

Ensure all your pages are regularly crawled and indexed.

Important regex filters

Use advanced filters to segment and analyze your data.

Compare branded vs non-branded traffic

Understand the impact of brand awareness on your traffic.

Analyze traffic to website sections

 Gain insights into how different parts of your site are performing.

How to audit your indexed pages

Identify and fix indexing issues to ensure comprehensive coverage.

How to use indexing API

Speed up the indexing process for your new or updated pages.

Find your top keywords by click gain

Track which keywords are driving the most traffic.

Check Month-on-Month Traffic on Blog Pages

Monitor and compare your blog’s performance over time.

Become SEO Pro at ₹449


In-Depth SEO Audit Template 

High-Converting SEO Proposal 

Top SEO Experts to Follow 

61+ Points On-page SEO Checklist

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Why Upgrade Your SEO Skill?

Every single successful and growing company is looking for organic growth.

SEO has changed and there is a huge demand for skilled SEO experts.

Crack high-paying roles or start freelancing.

Learn to go beyond paid ads and bring long-term results.

Lear Google Search Console to Boost your Ranking (70% OFF)

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